Monday, February 28, 2011

"Cruising": Another Thing That Has a Totally Different Meaning When You Have a Baby

So am sure that all of my rabid blog fans are wondering why haven't I been blogging. I know my friend Val has been.... :)- I have two words for you... crawling and cruising.

To my non mommy friends, crawling is a obvious thing. Baby on all fours getting around. And thats true however 1) Babies can crawl FAST and   2) Crawling leads to Cruising.
Before I had Sophia I had no idea what "cruising " meant outside of getting on a big boat to drink frozen drinks and have fun or driving around your town when you are 16 with nothing to do. Well, if I had known I would have been more worried for this stage.
Cruising means your previously easy to keep an eye on baby is now almost always getting into something that you don't want them to. Cruising is the stage between crawling and walking when babies figure out how to pull up to a standing position and walk while holding onto something (the couch, the table, the dog...whatever).

So now suddenly seemingly everything is accessible! Today, Sophia spent almost an hour cruising the walls of the kitchen. Yup, I said walls. Imagine my tiny little 10 month old, spiderman style against the wall slowly making her way from the wall to the windowsill to the door to the bookcase. Cute, right? Yes of course but as a mom that means you are constantly there to say "No Thank You" when she tried to swing on the curtains Tarzan style, use her high chair as a push toy, play in the dog water bowl and pull the table runner with a vase of flowers on it off the table.
Needless to say, blogging time has been hard to come by ;) As you can see.....