Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sophia's 1st Birthday Party

I can't believe Sophia will be one tomorrow. What a year! Its had its ups and downs but it is just so amazing to watch an infant grow into the little person who runs around this house all day.
To celebrate this momentous occasion we had a family and friends birthday party at our home. I chose a ladybug theme because 1) Sophia was a ladybug for Halloween 2) She loves ladybugs (or seems to be drawn to them) and 3) thats what I wanted and I am pretty sure I only get to choose for this one and maybe the next one lol :)
Anyway, I had a lot of fun planning and prepping for the party. It was nice to put my teacher abilities to good use. It was like setting up my classroom for the year except it was for one day and it was my house. Needless to say I may have gone overboard but I think I teetered nicely on the sane side of tastefully done :) If I didn't no one told me otherwise (which is both nice and wise of them!)

Here are some pics of the house and the party and such. I forgot to take pictures of the table with food on it of course and lots of other stuff as well but you get the gist!