Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Today was a Good "Mom" Day

Have you ever had one of those days at work when you are firing on all cylinders? Everything is clicking and you feel great. Putting out fires with style and grace. Impressing coworkers with your brilliance. Getting well deserved praise from your boss. Aren't those days great? Well you have "good mom" days like that too. Minus the coworkers and praise...

Everyday as a mom is a good day. But lets be honest...some days I am a just a better mom than other days. I know that sounds bad but its the truth.

But some days I am able to do more,  be more patient and be the best mom I can be. I have no idea why one day I wake up like this instead of my normal mom self. As a normal mom, I am loving and caring. I change diapers, wipe snot, clean up "uh-ohs", kiss boo boos, you name it. I make breakfast, lunch and dinner. Plus snacks, run errands, clean and do household chores. I play silly games and read the same book over and over. 

So what makes a "good mom" day as opposed to every other day? I do it all with more grace and patience than normal. I am all smiles in the face of the worst tantrum(s). I do not flinch when hit or kicked while changing a Code Red diaper. I am immune to the "I don't wanna nap" tears (which only last 5 seconds after I leave the room). We go to story time, go the to the playground, take a walk on the trail, play in the backyard and have the yummiest snacks. Homemade grilled cheese sandwiches cut with cookie cutters for lunch and brand new homemade muffins for snacks. 

Who knows...maybe its just that I feel like I am doing a better job than normal. Maybe I really am doing a better job. Either way, when the end of the day comes and I am enjoying my mommy time (aka glass of wine)...I feel like maybe I deserve it a little more than normal.