Thursday, December 1, 2011

The big FAT truth

The big FAT truth is that I have been making excuses for myself for too long.

Here they are:
1) its baby weight
2) its my metabolism
3) its because I'm hypothyroid
4) its hereditary
5) its just because I am built this way
6) its because I'm in my 30s
These are just some of many reasons that I weigh more than I want to or to be honest more than I should.

Who wants to admit that they are their own problem. Certainly not me.

While I'm at it here are some of the excuses I made for why losing weight is so hard...
1) i don't have time to exercise
2) i have to cook for sophia and bill too
3)i don't have time to count calories
4) i don't have the energy
5) i hate the gym
6) its too hot, cold, windy, rainy to run.
7) its just not my thing
8) my back/neck/ankle/shins hurt....

So I've wasted days, weeks, months, YEARS not taking responsibility. Starting a diet, joining a gym, hiring a trainer and all the while not fully committing. Not fully accepting responsibility.

I am not quite sure what clicked for me about 2 weeks ago but this little idea kept gnawing at me. I just couldn't shake it. I just couldn't let it go. I kept CAN do this. You can lose weight. You can get fit. You can be healthy. You can stop eating things you don't really need to eat. You can exercise regularly. You can make time for yourself.

Maybe it was this article I read where some super fit, health guru that I would usually ignore got straight to the point. He said (in a nutshell) your kids aren't going to love you less if you give a little time to yourself to be healthy. This part sticks with me most-
"The next one is for you moms, and I think I probably should have hired some security before I go into this, but here goes.  Killing yourself slowly is not what your kids need or want from you.  Your children will not get together at Christmas in 30 years and say, “It was totally worth it to have to bury mom so young.  At least she got us to karate, ballet, T-ball, and piano lessons all on the same day while still keeping the kitchen immaculate and doing the laundry.  If that laundry would have piled up we never would have forgiven her!”

So what kind of role model am I going to be for Sophia if I don't eat healthier? Don't get more active? Have body issues? Have self esteem issues connected to my body? 

Maybe it was my friend Chelsey - who has 2 kids, works full time, bakes for the pre school class parties, spends quality time with her friends and family and WORKS OUT ALMOST IF NOT EVERY DAY. And she looks amazing by the way :) But seeing her post her runs, her workouts etc on Facebook made me look at fitness differently. She inspired me. (thats right General :)

Maybe it was the blog article my friend Taylor wrote (who by the way WON  Expedition Impossible...the reality competition on tv this summer) about eating Paleo that made me look at the way I eat and think hey I CAN do that. Why do I need processed food or grains or dairy? I will be honest and say I miss cheese the most...but I'll live. I feel better about what I eat each day. It feels so GOOD not to have food guilt at night or the next day!!!

Maybe it was my friend Anna, who is a certified trainer but also works full time, is going to school and finds time to work out. Its a part of who she is. She drove to VA and did a TOUGH MUDDER just because she was compelled to do it. Thats 9 miles of firey obstacles folks. No joke. She is a badass. And she will drive up to PA to run/walk 2 miles with me just to be my athletic supporter ;) 

Maybe it was wanting to wear cute knee high boots and skinny jeans like all the cool kids. Maybe it was wanting to be IN the pictures this spring. Maybe it was wanting to not avoid my reflection most days. Maybe it was the quote "What you eat in private, you wear in public"

Maybe it was all of these things.

So here I am putting it out there. So if I fail i can't make excuses.  I am here to say I AM DOING IT. period. And if that can be inspiring, helpful or just interesting to anyone else. Well why not share it. And this time if I fail...I fail because of me. Not any other reason. And I am NOT ok with that. 



  1. You and I have so much in common.....I feel the same way.....I am so tired of not being happy with the way I look!

  2. you can totally do this Rachel! If you need someone to support you and keep you motivated...I'm your girl :)
