Monday, December 19, 2011

Work in Progress....

So about 3 weeks ago, I laid it all out on the table. A lot of people gave me a lot of support and positive feedback which was awesome and made me feel great. And then I went back to my normal way of life and didn't change....
NO I DIDN'T!!!!!!!

For the past 21 days I have been eating healthy and working out. 15 out of 21 days I have worked out for at least 30 minutes. One of those days I ran a 5k - in 25 degree weather at 8am. 2 of those days I have done an hour and a half of Bikram Yoga....105 degrees the whole time. I have also done 30 Day Shred, Power Pilates, a Tony Horton work out, ran 2 miles, and this is just the start!

I signed up with a trainer...who by the way is super hot and awesome and happens to be one of my best friends. I will be working out with her once a week. But she already has me journaling my food each day and gives me feedback about my choices. Just by doing that I have learned so much! Like I don't eat enough, I don't eat close enough together, I need to vary what I eat more and incorporate some slow digesting carbs.

I took my "Before" pictures as well. If you want to know what you really look like...put on a sports bra (ladies) and a pair of bike shorts and take pictures of yourself from the front, back and both sides. Oh was humbling. You can hide and camouflage a lot with the right cuts and colors of clothes but there is nothing to hide in that get up.

So at this point, I've lost a few pounds - 4 to be exact. I think my clothes are starting to fit better/differently. I feel much better about myself even if the scale hasn't changed dramatically. I might have to throw that m-effer out so I can stop obsessing about it. But I am starting to look forward to each work out and trying new ones. I also love not having food guilt. Waking up and not thinking "ugh why did I eat that crap yesterday" is a great feeling.

Anyway this is where I am and I figured I would share. New Years Resolutions are right around the corner...why don't you make the decision to change for yourself? You won't regret it.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you ... and starting this BEFORE January 1st? AWESOME! :O)
