Monday, October 21, 2013

Holy Whole 30....

So I have in fact survived the first week of Whole 30. And thankfully so did all my friends and family. There were definitely a few "kill all the things" moments on days 2 through 4....  I sorry ;)

Ok so I did a quick S.O.T.T.(State of the Tiffany) review. Here is where I am with this whole process...

1) I am over the hump of low energy I believe. Early last week I thought I could and may possibly been able to fall asleep standing upright with my eyes open. Working out was a MISERY. And I had the privilege to attempt the "Filthy Fifty" as one of the WODS at Titan Crossfit last week. Lets just say this...It would have been ugly if I was at 100%. Therefore it was more like a soul sucking tragedy of athletic performance on my part.  At one point I just stared dead eyed at a grey wall while my brain screamed "Pick up the wall ball!!!" and my body was like "Girl you CRAY".

2)Sugar is in EVERYTHING. This is not an exaggeration. Its in all the obvious places you expect...anything sweet or processed. But I have found it in places I just don't understand. Taco seasoning? Sriacha? Worcestershire? Salsa? Italian salad dressing? Why people!! WHY!!! Tell me in what way sugar enhances taco seasoning. Sheesh. As a result I have made my own taco seasoning (link) as well as my own salad dressing (link) and my own mayo (link). I am become down right Martha Stewarty.

3) Eating on the go is a BITCH. Sorry but it is. There is no easy way to grab something to eat on Whole 30. Unless (and thank the Whole 30 heavens) you are near a Chipotle! You can have a salad with carnitas, any salsa and guacamole :) and its YUMMY. You can't have the other meats because they cook them in soy bean oil but the carnitas are delish. Other than that you had better start packing a bag o' goodies everywhere you go! I always have the following with me these days....cut veggies like carrots and cucumbers, almonds, an apple or banana and hard boiled eggs. That way I don't starve or turn into a bitchy Whole 30 zombie.

4) I cook for my family every night. But I have NEVER cooked as much as I have in the past week. Everything I eat, I have to prepare. Today alone I spent 3 solid hours stocking the fridge with prepped Whole 30 foods. Mostly because if I don't have something to eat when I am ravenous, then I know I will be more likely to cheat. So I have reaquainted myself with every cooking tool in my house. Crock pot, food processor, spice grinder, mandolin, immersion name it, I've used it. This is my actual fridge as of this afternoon....


  1. Bottom line for Week 1: It sucked. It was hard. But I did it. And I am starting to feel better. My jeans are already looser and my skin looks awesome. I actually happily drink coffee with just plain coconut milk in it. And I am pretty damn pumped that I didn't totally buckle when I felt terrible. Bring it on Week 2 ;)

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