Wednesday, January 12, 2011

teething...what a son of a bitch

Let me preface this post by saying as far as teething goes, we have it easy. Sophia is pretty low key about it and rarely if ever fusses or cries and there is a minimal amount of drool as well.
However, teething is just not fun for anyone involved. Think about it...teeth pushing up through the gums and breaking the thanks. If this happened to adults we would most likely be immobilized for days. Teething by the way does not last for days or even weeks...its MONTHS long. Right now Sophia has 4 teeth fully through the gums and 2 more partially through for a total of 6. We have how many teeth? 20. That means 14 more to go. Poor thing and Sophia too. Just kidding!!
So last night Sophia went to bed a little early due to the nap boycott (whole other blog there!) in the afternoon. We settle in for a nice peaceful night of TV, reading and bed. And then the crying starts. She is crying in her sleep which of course wakes her up :( Her little teeth are making her uncomfortable and she is squirming and whining and moaning and chewing on her little hands. This goes on for about an hour....we take turns quieting her down and getting her back to sleep. And even after she is finally asleep there are a few tense minutes where we watch the monitor...whispering "go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep".
And she did. And so did we. Hopefully we will not have a repeat tonight.

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